Every wedding is full of mishaps, craziness and the unexpected. Ours was no exception! Here are a few fun, surprising, and little-known facts about our wedding day:
12. Got Petals?
I forgot the flower girls' petals! Thankfully I realized it about an hour and a half before our ceremony started and our wedding planner, Brittani was able to work it out in time with a quick trip to the nearest store! Kroger came through in the clutch!
11. We Got Married In The Wrong Place!
Well, we were at the right venue but the ceremony was supposed to take place with Dex and I standing at the top of the steps, but somehow communication got crossed and well, we ended up doing the entire ceremony from the floor. I had to keep telling the producer in me to “let it go and focus on what matters” during the ceremony. #ProducerProblems
10. My Earrings Broke!
When I was leaving the house my original earrings fell out of my ear and broke so I borrowed a backup pair from Becca, one of my bridesmaids. Ironically, the first pair I had that broke were courtesy of Becca's sister, Rachel who’d worn them in her own wedding 5 months prior!

9. The Best Last Minute Decisions
The three biggest last minute decisions we made just 1-3 weeks from our big day were whether or not we would have a wedding planner, videographer, and a photo booth. We ended up saying "yes" to all three and boy are we glad! They were all absolutely awesome! Here's who we went with!
Wedding Planner - Brittani Owens, Regal Design & Events
Videographer - One Knot Weddings - check out our wedding recap video here
Photo Booth - It’s Your Night (they were also our DJ company, ask for Richie!)

8. A Double Celebration
Our goddaughter turned 8 on our wedding day! So we decided to turn part of our reception into a birthday party for her! We surprised her with a cake, sash, and tiara. And of course she danced the night away! It was so sweet to see her little face light up. We loved getting to celebrate her big day while celebrating ours!
7. The First Person To Know Us Both
It was summer 2008 and my god brother, most commonly known as Trip Lee, and his label mates were heading out for their first tour. Because my god brother was on the tour and I was working on staff at my Dad’s church, I was able to secure our church as the first stop on their tour.
While I was working on my end to secure and work through all the details for our church, Dex was also preparing on his end for the same tour. Turns out he was their road manager for the summer! He ended up being my point of contact on some things related to the tour once the concert day arrived and that’s how we first met!
Dex lived in Kentucky at the time so we had basically no contact until Dex moved to Dallas 4 years later. It was then we ran into each other again at the same tour that first brought us together in 2008!
So Trip was officially the first person to know both me and Dex and he's the reason Dex and I reconnected in 2012! Little did he (or any of us) know that years later his road manager would be marrying his god sister!
6. We’re Having a Baby!
Dex and I love kids! In fact, we had 11 kids in our wedding party! So when I realized how many of our friends were pregnant and attending our wedding, I decided to take a photo with them to congratulate them and also document this day for ourselves and all those unborn cuties in their bellies.
One of the Mommies was having contractions during the reception! Can you guess which one?! Her daughter was born just 4 days later! Dex and I went to visit the family once we got back from our honeymoon. It was pretty neat to see the baby in her parent's arms just days after we saw her in her Mommy’s stomach at our wedding! We can’t wait to meet the rest of these little ones, yet to be born!

Also, We Love The Kids!

5. I Got Married in Jeans!

Because why not?! Really I wore them because it was raining so instead of showing up to the venue fully dressed, I wore my jeans and the top half of the dress (it was a two-piece). Once I arrived to the venue it was time to put the skirt on and well, I got the bright idea that the skirt could probably slip right over my jeans and no one would know. And this made the rebel in me happy so I left them on!
I had to take the jeans off during the reception tho cause I needed to be able to dance! Lol
4. She Made My Mouth Drop
I asked my best friend from college, Patricia to be one of my bridesmaids and after trying to work out her schedule, she decided it wasn't going to work out, but she didn't let that keep her from celebrating with us!
Patricia is in residency at a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. She had a 24-hour shift the day before and the day after our wedding. On top of that, she’s a mother of 3 kids under 5 AND she has a husband who is a practicing doctor! Yet! She still found a way to fly in and make it to our ceremony! This is what sacrificial love looks like. I'm still blown away by her sacrificing so much to be there with us.

3. My "Something Blue" Gave Me The Blues
Just moments before the ceremony started, I realized in the chaos of the day somehow between leaving the house and arriving at the venue, I'd lost the ring my godsister, Chelsea let me wear as my "something blue.” I told her I’d lost it and her response showed me that I HAD to find this ring! It really meant a lot to her and it was a gift from her husband.
I felt terrible. I put an alert out and sent pictures of it to a few powers at be and then spent the rest of my time before the ceremony trying to talk myself out of letting the lost ring keep me from being present and enjoying my wedding day.
I was able to enjoy the ceremony and afterwards learned that no ring had been found anywhere they’d searched. Fast forward to the reception, it’s almost time for dancing and well, remember those jeans I had on? When I went to take them off in the bathroom, the ring flew out of the pocket! Yep! Those jeans. Thank you Jesus for the jeans!

2. The Most Surprising Dance of the Night!
My Papa danced with me! He didn't even dance at his own daughter's wedding. He said he started this tradition as a "granddaughters only" thing and since I was the first granddaughter to get married, I was Papa's first wedding dance! It was such a sweet moment I will cherish forever.

1. The Most Unexpected of All
Our dear friends Trey & Niki flew in from Chicago to attend our wedding. Dex and I attended their wedding just 4 months earlier so wedding bliss was fresh for all of us! I learned later that the morning of our wedding, Trey's mother suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. Despite this, they still chose to celebrate with us and I'm still in shock at their decision! Could you imagine?!
Life is often an uncomfortable mix of bitter and sweet, joy and pain.
And as lighthearted and joyful as the majority of this post has been, I specifically wanted to end with sharing about Niki & Trey because their pain is still real and felt now just 4 weeks removed from a day that will forever be sealed in their hearts, not just because of the celebration of our wedding, but also because it's the day they learned they would never get to see their mother again.
Lets Do Something To Help
Would you take a moment to say a prayer for them and their family today?
If you're up for it, you could even leave an encouraging note for them in the comments, I'll make sure they receive every single one. Let's love on them and anyone else around us who may be suffering today.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”
- Romans 12:15 -
Originally posted on KandisDavis.com
Credits: Photos - Shawn Marie Photography Hair - Brittany Packer
Makeup - LeTitia Owens (mine) & D'Jai (bridesmaids & mom)